World Rugby Online Learning Modules

World Rugby Online Learning Modules

Tackle Ready, which aims to reduce the risk of head injury at all levels of the sport by improving technique.

  • The programme forms key head injury prevention initiative within World Rugby’s six-point player welfare advancement strategy
  • All coaches at all levels will have access to a five-stage framework for coaching effective technique that promotes prevention
  • World Rugby and national unions currently examining tackle height limits in key closed trials to aid welfare outcomes
Tackle ready course
World Rugby launches Tackle Ready to educate players on safe tackle technique

Tackle Ready supports World Rugby’s commitment to advance best-practice injury-prevention education programmes within a wide-ranging strategy to cement rugby as the most progressive sport on player welfare. Under Tackle Ready, coaches at all levels will be given a five-stage framework around which to coach the tackle, broken down into the following categories: tracking, preparation, connection, acceleration and finish.

The content is relevant for all ages and stages of player and builds on the introductory information provided in Rugby Ready and should be used by coaches in conjunction with their Union’s Age Grade Law Variations where applicable.


Tackle Ready supports the education pillar of the recently launched strategy to cement rugby as the most progressive sport on player welfare. It has been developed following comprehensive research into the relationship between head injuries and the tackle, which demonstrates that 76 per cent of head injuries occur at the tackle, two thirds of head injuries occur to the tackler and a bent at the waist tackle is 4.5 times safer than an upright, face-to-face tackle.

The innovative injury-prevention programme is available via its World Rugby’s Free-to-access video guidance available at [] means that everyone in the game will be able to access and benefit from the best-practice resource.