Welcome to Rugby Alberta’s central hub for AGM and Board Meeting information. This page is designed to keep our rugby community informed about the governance and decisions that shape our sport in Alberta.
Upcoming AGM
- Date: December 7, 2024, 10:00 am
- Location: Microsoft Teams (CLICK HERE to register) must do so by December 3, 2024, to have voting rights
- Agenda:
- AGM Call to Order (Chris Cooke)
- Land Acknowledgement (Sandy Nesbitt)
- AGM Clarification of Voting Structure / Quorum (Chris Cooke)
- AGM Changes to the Agenda (Chris Cooke)
- AGM Motion to Adopt Agenda (Chris Cooke)
- AGM Adoption of the 2023 AGM Minutes (Chris Cooke)
- Board of Directors Reports
- Staff Reports
- Elections (Chris Cooke)
- Vote on Auditor – Metrix Group LLP (Chris Cooke )
- New Business (Chris Cooke)
- Adjournment (Chris Cooke)
Rugby Alberta AGM Materials
Click on the table to view and download materials for the Rugby Alberta AGM.