AJRA Board Vacancy

Are you looking for a unique leadership opportunity? Have you been yearning to put your talent in strategic thinking, volunteer management, project management or policy advocacy in the service of a great cause? Well, look no further! If you are committed to growing youth rugby in Alberta, we are looking for you!

The Alberta Junior Rugby Association is looking for leaders like you to join our board of directors.

Available Positions include;

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Members at Large

Contact rookierugbyalberta@gmail.com for more details.

Job Posting, Rugby Alberta Rugby Development Officer

Want to join our team to help make a positive difference in the rugby community in Alberta?

We are hiring a Rugby Development Officer!

The Rugby Development Officer position is designed to work with clubs and community programs to develop sustainable rugby in the province. RDO responsibilities include increasing recruitment, participation, and retention to grow our membership numbers, and developing tools and resources that support this growth.

This position was made possible through a partnership with Rugby Canada as part of their push to ‘grow the game’ in community rugby. We appreciate the opportunity to add another dedicated member to our team and grow the sport of rugby in Alberta

If you, or anyone you know is interested in this position, send in a resume and cover letter to p.houlihan@rugbyalberta.com

**No Visa is attached with this position, must be legally eligible to work in Canada

RDO Job post 2021.pdf

Respect In Sport Activity Leader Course For Registered Coaches

DATE: October 14th 2021

TO: All Members

FROM: Peter Houlihan, Rugby Alberta

MEMO: Respect in Sport Activity Leader Course for Registered Coaches

Dear Coaches,

As we near the end of 2021 rugby season and approach an important off season, the entire Rugby Alberta organization want to thank all coaches for registering during this difficult season. Your hard work, support and energy to keep your rugby community active was outstanding. Rugby Alberta’s vision to be “the best sporting experience” was evident in your commitment to your clubs, as we saw the return of well over half of our membership. As an organization we are committed to growing the game at the grass roots level and giving back to the community with coach development initiatives. As a Thank you for all you have done this season, registered coaches will receive a code for a complementary Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Course.

The Respect Group is a forward-thinking organization founded by former NHLer turned victims’ rights crusader Sheldon Kennedy to deliver training to equip employees with the education and skills needed to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace. The Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials, and participants to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination. Activity Leader and Parent Programs are part of the Safe Sport Canada program.

Thank you once again for instilling the World Rugby values – integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect as the defining characteristics of rugby and making it one of the world’s best sports. We look forward to seeing everyone out on the pitch next season.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Houlihan

Executive Director



HSBC Edmonton Canada Sevens 5050

HSBC Edmonton Canada Sevens 5050

Whether you’re enjoying the action Live at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton or watching at home you can participate!

Buy your tickets now for the HSBC Edmonton Canada Sevens 50/50 Draw, Proceeds benefit The Judy Seddon Scholarship and Alberta Rugby.

The HSBC Canada Sevens Edmonton 50/50 Draw, aims to raise funds vital in making the sport of Rugby more accessible for all throughout the province.

Tickets are available online and are available to purchase in-person at Commonwealth Stadium throughout this weekend’s action!

You do not have to be at Commonwealth Stadium to buy tickets or be entered into the draw.

Buy Now


1. Tickets 

Tickets may be sold and purchased only in Alberta.

Ticket purchasers must be 18 years of age or older.

2. 50/50 

400 @ 1Ticket for $5.00 $2000.00
500 @ 10 Tickets for $10.00 $5000.00
2500 @ 60 Tickets for $20.00 $50,000.00
660 @ 200 Tickets for $50.00 $33,000.00

Total tickets available is 4060 Total value is $90,000.00

The 50/50 is a draw where the money received in ticket sales is divided evenly between the winner and the charity.

Maximum 50/50 payout will be $45,000.00

All ticket sales are final. No refunds will be issued to anyone for any reason.

3. Important Dates & Draw Information 

Deadline Final ticket sales deadline: September 26/21 at 4:30pm

Draw 50/50 draw: September 26/21 at 5:00pm

Draw will be held at Commonwealth Stadium. 11000 Stadium Rd, Edmonton AB. T5H 4E2

The winning ticket is drawn using Random Number Generator software (RNG) Via Raffle Nexus.

The winner will be posted online at www.rugbyalberta.com on September 26/21.

In case of a power outage The Alberta Rugby Football Union will use mobile device capabilities to access the internet.

4. Winner

The winner will be contacted by phone and email by the Alberta Rugby Football Union.

The winner has 90 days to claim their prize.

If unclaimed after 90 days from the draw date, the Alberta Rugby Football Union can apply to AGLC to have it donated back to the group to be spent on the group’s currently approved Use of Proceeds.

Winners consent to release of their names by licensee.

No tickets will be purchased by the Board of Directors of the Alberta Rugby Football Union, Raffle Nexus, employees involved with the conduct and management of the ticket raffle.

5. Privacy

The Alberta Rugby Football Union does not sell, rent or exchange any personal information collected from our supporters with any other organization or entity.

6. Contact Information

Complaints, comments or concerns should be addressed to administration at The Alberta Rugby Football Union. 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton AB. T5M 3K6 or 780-222-0347 or info@rugbyalberta.com

National Coaches Week September 18th-26th

National Coaches week kicks off September 18th and goes to the 26th.  The Coaches Association of Canada wants to say #ThanksCoach by providing a number of professional development opportunities for Free.  It is a great opportunity for coaches to continue their learning journey, earn some PD points and add some more tools to their tool box.  Here is the line up of free eLearning modules:

  • NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport
  • NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability
  • NCCP Making Headway in Sport
  • Mental Health in Sport
  • Leading a Return to Sport Participation
  • Understanding Teen Dating Violence
  • Safe Sport Training
  • NCCP Emergency Action Plan

For more information visit coach.ca/NCW

Or to Download the Free Nation Coaches Week Participation Guide – Click HERE

Positions Still Vacant In Red Deer, Ft. McMurray, Cold Lake & GP

Positions still available in Red Deer, Fort McMurray, Cold Lake and Grande Prairie !!!!

See link for job description – 2021 CommunityRookieRugbyIntern.pdf

AJRA has received funding under Service Canada’s Canada Summer Jobs Program for the employment of individuals for 30 hours per week for 6-10 weeks during 2021.


Successful applications will need to complete Criminal Record Check
Any question contact;
Peter Houlihan
Rookie Rugby Manager – AJRA

Staffing Update

Rugby Alberta 

Sean Hofstetter, President

Re: Executive Director

Graeme Moffat has accepted a role outside of the organization, and his last day as Rugby Alberta Executive Director will be June 30th, 2021. Graeme has worked with Rugby Alberta for the past seven years, first and the Technical Director then as our Executive Director.

In collaboration with the other western provinces, Graeme returned Alberta to a regional provincial competition model, doubling the number of participants in our provincial representative teams. He led the creation of several new competitions, including the ARC 7’s, the Western 7’s championship and the Western Canadian super league.

Graeme coached the Wolf Pack to a national championship, led the Province to Rugby Canada’s Province of the Year award in 2020 and led Rugby in Alberta through the pandemic by navigating the return to play strategy and plan. Graeme was instrumental in returning an athlete focus to Rugby in Alberta, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.

As of July 1st, Peter Houlihan will be named the Acting Executive Director of Rugby Alberta. Peter Houlihan came to the AJRA in 2019 as the Rookie Rugby Manager. Peter spent several years helping run the Green and Gold Athlete Academy and the University of Alberta Pandas. Peter has a bachelor’s degree in Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Recreation and Leisure Studies. Peter has coached and played from local club teams to the provincial level and represented Canada in the Pacific Nations Cup. He’s excited for this new opportunity with Rugby Alberta and will strive to continue to improve the experience of grassroots players in Alberta.

Rugby Alberta will be undergoing a search for a new Executive Director in the coming weeks.


Sean Hofstetter


Memo Executive Director.pdf

Congratulations To Our 2021 Judy Seddon Scholarship Winners!

Throughout all the changes and challenges this year, we continue to be amazed by students’ ability to adapt, connect, overcome, and adapt. Today, we are proud to announce and recognize two recipients of the Judy Seddon Scholarship, Lilyah Richardson and Ella Pearson.

Lilyah Richardson is a member of the St Albert Rugby club and has also competed in the ICU Pan American Games on the Junior Canada Cheer Team. Lilyah was awarded the Lady Baden-Powell Award and the Canada Cord, for her leadership and involvement with the Girl Guides. She has been accepted in the University of Alberta Bachelor of Science in Nursing program where she hopes to give people the same support that nurses gave her during hospital visits as a child.

Ella Pearson is a member of the Calgary Hornets and has been volunteering in the Calgary rugby community since the age of 14. She continues to give back by working in the recreation department of a seniors’ facility where she finds great joy in giving back and connecting with those who worked for the lives we lead today. She plans to attend the University of British Columbia in the fall to start work on a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.

Congratulations to Our 2021 Judy Seddon Scholarship Winners!

The Judy Seddon Scholarship is awarded to female athletes aged 15 to 23. With strong ties to the community through volunteerism, who require financial support for their rugby endeavors.

Peter Houlihan

Rookie Rugby Manager – AJRA


2021 Judy Seddon Scholarship Announcement.pdf

Coaching Playlist

Attention ALBERTA We’re almost back !!!!
Coaches check out the following playlist for some different distance activities to use with your athletes. 

Peter’s Rugby Skills Social Media Playlist (1).pdf

Please Remember – All Participants MUST be registered with RC/Sportlomo and have completed daily attestation before participating in any session